Aside from reliable internet with a decent connection that is... Forge World Goodies!
Particularly, the beautiful Mk III Power Armor Variant...
Oh yeaaah, thats a beauty. I'm dying for at least a squad of these bad boys to mid into my army... However, aside from the $32 price tag, they don't come with assault arms! They're supposedly intended for close combat boarding operations, yet only come with bolters and special weapons? Seriously? Come on FW, where are my chain swords and bolt pistols!?
Regardless, these are some beautifully sculpted models that I hope to own some day... Painted in Alpha Legion regalia no less.
Second Half of World Eaters Assault Squad
They are brutal. Hardly cunning though. And there's chain axes, and big
monster power maul. Plus red. Red everywhere. In particular, I like how the
red had...
2 hours ago