- Joined the Iron Fist League gaming group
- Played 2 games in the past week
- Still hanging out in Quantico
- Got a 96 (4 day weekend) coming up
- No news on where I'm gonna be stationed
As for the two games... Last week I played against an IG army at 1500 points. I through down a hasty list with a low model count, tons of Oblits, some Plauge Marines and some Berserkers. He brought a nasty Russ with plasma cannons, a Psyker battle squad, a ton of foot sloggers with Commisars, a Callidus Assasin and a Inquisitor. We rolled for spearhead and territories. I said screw my objective and rushed to the slaughter.... and was slaughtered by volleys of flash light fire. My Oblits did manage to do some damage though, but not enough in the long run. It was a valuable learning experience.
Second game, last night.... I played against a Fateweaver Nurgle Demon build. Annihilation. I got stomped.... bad... Couldn't get a good shot off at the Fateweaver and the re-rolls he was granting all the Plauge Bearers was making it virtually impossible for me to wear them down. Game ended at 8 to 2 in my opponents favor.
Both guys I played against were very curtious and gracious enough to help me through the game, answered all my questions and gave me some helpful insight and tips for future games. I had a great time and look forward to playing again. Hopefully my learning curve will soon bring me up to speed and capable of winning a couple games.
This weekend is a 96 hour liberty weekend! Renting a car and embarking on the long and tedious 9 hour drive back home to OHIO! First time visiting home in 17 months and I am stoked! Going to do some car shopping while I'm there as well as pick up a new laptop from Skunkarific Computers, the only computer store I trust.
Over all, I must say life is pretty good. Hopefully I'll get properly situated here in Quantico soon and can continue on with my life. All I have to do is pass the time till August 2010 and I am set. :
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