Cash splurge! Argh! I'm such an impulsive spender. :O
Today I finally got around to buying a battlefoam carry case. Can't wait. On the upside, I got the big on at a $30-40 discount. :)
New Valk came in today as well. I'll get started on converting it to a Stormraven tomorrow.
Did manage to start on the Warhound today.... I got two toes down. Cardstock Warhound is meh... But after this is finished I'll either reinforce it with plasticard or make a new one from scratch with plasticard.
Age of Sigmar: Orruk Bossrock & Manifestations Showcase
[image: Age of Sigmar: Orruk Bossrock & Manifestations Showcase]
Ben is back with a new showcase for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. This time
the Bossrock a...
1 hour ago
You too? Man I can't wait to go spend some money. In fact I'm leaving right now to do so! What am I going to buy? I don't know! I just got money in my pocket screaming SPEND ME, SPEND ME!!!